City Services Affected by the Coronavirus Situation
The City of Fountain continues to closely monitor, coordinate and work with regional health authorities, school districts, Fort Carson and others in the region as the situation continues to evolve with the Coronavirus. In the interest of the safety and health of the Fountain community, the City is adjusting the following City services:
New Information as of 05/27/2020:
Due to the current stay-at-home order issued by
the state, The Municipal Court is closed until further notice. During
this time, please do not attempt to visit City Hall or to contact city staff in
other departments as they will be unable to help you with your cases. The
Court Office is contacting those that have upcoming court appearances to go over
Plea Offers or to rescheduled Pre-Trials. Any calls with questions should
be made to (719) 382-5561 or you can email the courts @ #[email protected]
Posted on 05/14/2020:
No additional updates. All adjustments to City services to remain the same until further notice.
Posted on 05/04/2020:
The City will be opening our parks, playground and dog park today but please note that the restrooms will remain closed. We will not be accepting any pavilion reservations for the month of May. When gathering, we still want to encourage 10 or less people and please maintain social distancing of 6 feet between you and others.
Posted on 04/28/2020:
Fountain Recycling Center Opening Again on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 with COVID-19 Social Distancing Measures
- Hours of operation: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Staff is not able to assist customers with unloading or sorting of items.
- Access into the Recycling Center will be controlled by staff to allow only one vehicle/customer within the Recycling Center at a time.
- Recycling Center will be open for customer drop-off only, there will be no access to volunteer garden or community library.
Posted on 04/24/2020:
Throughout the COVID-19 Emergency, all City Council Meetings will be held virtually. For more information on Tuesday's April 28th meeting, click HERE
Posted on 04/23/2020:
The Fountain Recycling Center, located at 301 E Iowa Avenue remains closed. We hope to re-open on our regularly scheduled Tuesday, May 5th. Please call Neighborhood Services at (719) 322-2032 for up to date information.
Posted on 04/15/2020:
Throughout the COVID-19 Emergency, all City Council Meetings will be held virtually. For more information, click HERE
Posted on 04/09/2020:
No additional changes to City services
Posted on 04/06/2020:
No additional changes to City services
Posted on 04/03/2020:
Utilities Department Drive-Thru Hours
Beginning Monday, April 6, 2020 the customer service drive-thru hours will be open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Posted on 04/02/2020:
Fountain City Park's Guidance:
Playgrounds, pavilions and other gathering spaces are closed. These areas are considered high risk for increasing transmission.
- No organized group activities or recreation. All gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason other than critical business or government functions are banned per the Stay-at-Home order.
- Do not use parks, trails and open spaces if you are exhibiting symptoms. If you or your children are experiencing symptoms, it’s important to stay home when sick.
- Follow the CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene prior to and during use of parks or trails. Bring hand sanitizer with you to clean your hands if soap and water are not available.
- Observe the minimum recommended physical social distancing of 6 feet from other individuals. If this is not possible, users should find an alternate location or depart that space. Practice it and know what it looks like.
- While on trails, warn other users of your presence before you pass, and step aside to let others pass. Signal your presence with your voice, bell or horn.
- Users may find public restrooms closed. Be prepared before you leave and time outings so that you are not dependent on public restrooms.
- Bring water or drinks. Public drinking fountains may be disabled and should not be used, even if operable.
- Bring a suitable trash bag. Leave no trace, take everything out to protect park workers.
Posted on 03/30/2020:
Neighborhood Services Department
- Fountain Recycling Center is closed until further notice.
- Child car seat safety checks and assistance with installation is suspended until further notice.
- Scheduled Neighborhood Clean-up Projects are suspended until further notice.
Contact Juan Flores, Neighborhood Services Dept. at (719) 393-4919 for more information
Public Safety & Essential Services
The City of Fountain is maintaining the maximum level of protective actions to ensure the safety of the community. All public safety and essential services remain operational. For resources you may need during this emergency, please check in on our Website main page or read more below.
Posted on 03/27/2020:
Municipal Court Update
Due to the current stay-at-home order issued by the state, The Municipal Court is closed until further notice. If you are scheduled for a court appearance on April 7th, you will be contacted by phone do review your plea offers, and to make arrangements to receive payments on or after April 13th.
During this time, please do not attempt to visit City Hall or to contact city staff in other departments as they will be unable to help you with your cases. Any calls with questions should be made on or after April 13th, depending on when the stay-at-home order is lifted by the state.
Posted on 03/26/20:
- In the interest of public safety and to comply with the Governor's Stay at Home Order, Fountain City Hall is now closed to the public. However, residents can call (719) 322-2000 for assistance.
- All park playground in City of Fountain is now off-limits. Children should not be using playground equipment, to prevent the spread of the virus.
- Citizens can read the Governor’s stay at home order here: Stay-At-Home Order
- Citizens can read the FAQ’s about the Governors order here: FAQ's
Posted on 03/25/20:
No additional updates to City services today
Posted on 03/23/2020:
The health and safety of our citizens and employees is paramount. Like so many others, we've been closely following COVID-19 and making decisions that are right for our residents and employees. In light of this, City of Fountain has decided to cancel Senior Citizen Curbside Service and Spring Cleanup at the Landfill events this spring. We appreciate the City of Fountain community’s continued support of our mission, and look forward to putting on the event in the fall!
Please continue to take care of yourself and your family while we also take care of ours. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility. Please visit www.fountaincolorado.org for coronavirus updates.
Posted on 03/20/2020:
Parks Update
The Park Department has closed the restrooms in all parks. All playground equipment will be sanitized daily and the Parks Department encourages social
distancing, even at the parks. Reservations for pavilion rentals have not been cancelled, but we
are encouraging those with reservations to reschedule.
Posted on 03/19/2020:
Police Department Updates
**If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1**
The El Paso County Communication Center Call Takers (dispatch) will assess each situation as it comes in. If the situation is a crime that is actively occurring and is a risk to persons or property an officer will be dispatched. If it is an incident that is not active and not posing an immediate threat, an officer will reach the caller by phone.
Officers may ask community members to meet them outside of homes and businesses where appropriate in order to practice social distancing.
Officers were issued personal protective equipment, and they may be seen wearing gloves, facemasks, protective eyewear and clothing. This is especially true in medical testing environments and/or in environments known to have increased risk of illness. Officers may ask community members to wear surgical facemasks if they are showing signs of illness.
We have temporarily suspended agency tours and ride-along programs.
Parks Updates
The City of Fountain is suspending all Recreation programs, public events, public meetings, and organized facility use. All athletic fields, park bathrooms and water fountains will remain closed at this time.
Posted on 03/18/2020:
**If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1**
The Fountain Police Department lobby is closed until further notice due the COVID-19 emergency.
If you have a non-emergency and need to speak with a police officer, please call (719) 390-5555.
Police Services Information
If you need to request a police report, or background check, please go to the Fountain Police Administration Division website, https://www.fountaincolorado.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=6004447&pageId=8302660 and under the Police Department page, you will find the report request document. Fill out the form and email it to [email protected]
VIN Verifications
We will not be conducting VIN Verifications until further notice.
Court Ordered Fingerprints
If you need court-ordered, fingerprints please contact (719) 382-6928.
Registered Sex Offenders
Please contact Lt. Racine at (719) 323-4250
Posted on 03/17/2020:
City of Fountain Utilities will not disconnect service(s) or assess late fees while the community responds to Covid-19 for more information go to:
Posted on 03/16/2020:
Neighborhood Services
- Code Compliance Officers will be observing “social distancing” practices whenever possible by limiting citizen contacts to phone call, e-mail, and use of the on-line “virtual City Hall” system. This system may be accessed by visiting www.fountaincolorado.org and clicking on the MY FOUNTAIN logo at top of the homepage.
- Response to Citizens’ complaints received during this time period will be based on effect to the safety, health, and welfare to citizens and neighborhood.
- Code Compliance Officers will grant extensions for compliance as appropriate.
- Citizens with an upcoming court appearance should contact Fountain Municipal Court at (719) 322-2045 for possible changes to their court date.
- Code Compliance Division main phone line is (719) 322-2032 and messages are checked daily.
Fountain Recycling Center
- Fountain Recycling Center is closed through the end of March.
- Child car seat safety checks and assistance with installation is suspended through the end of the month.
- Scheduled Neighborhood Clean-up Projects are suspended through the end of the month.
Posted on 03/13/2020:
Fountain Utilities
Recreation Department
- City Recreation is postponing all basketball and indoor soccer programs until April 6th, 2020. More information will be made available as the situation further develops.
City of Fountain Transit
The City plans to continuously update this article with new information regarding City services. Please check back regularly for new postings.
For specific information regarding the COVID-19 virus, please go to: https://www.elpasocountyhealth.org/