Transportation Impact Fee 2022


This Transportation Impact Fee Study (Study) provides the City of Fountain (City) and surrounding region with the necessary technical documentation to support the adoption of a City or Fountain Region Transportation Impact Fee Program (TIF Program). Impact fees are one-time charges on new development collected and used by the local government to cover the cost of capital facilities and infrastructure that are required to serve new growth. The fees are typically collected upon issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy.

The City adopted an amended Transportation Master Plan known as "Transportation Master Plan 2021" (The TMP) in January of 2022. The TMP specifically identifies the need to implement a TIF to fund transportation improvements necessary to accommodate and mitigate the impacts of future development in the City and Fountain Region. To support the TIF program, the local government must prepare a study that provides a legal basis for requiring development impact fees consistent with State enabling legislation (Sections 29-20-102 through 204 Colorado Revised Statutes).

The Fee Program described in this Study is based on growth projections and transportation infrastructure requirements identified in the TMP and supporting models and documents (e.g., Fountain TMP Subarea Transportation Model developed using the PPACG Tour-Based Travel Demand Model as a platform, PPACG 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan, PPACG 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program, El Paso County (2040/2060) 2016 Major Transportation Corridors Plan). This Study quantifies the potential allocation of the proposed transportation improvements to new growth in the City and Fountain Region and calculates the maximum allowable transportation impact fee schedule by land use category. When adopting the TIF, the local governments within the Fountain Region may adopt fees below the maximum supportable level based on economic or policy considerations. Such fee reductions should be considered in conjunction with the availability of alternative sources of capital improvement funding.